◾ Service (manufacturing)
◾ Service (manufacturing)
RFID RFID solution that automates the production and delivery of goods
◾ Establish an automated system from product production to delivery using a UHF RFID 900-channel reader called'IDRO4F' and RFID antenna.
– Check the production process of goods on the assembly line
-Easy to manage warehouse inventory while entering the distribution warehouse
– The process of goods being shipped from the warehouse and the transport vehicle can be checked
생산 Increase productivity and efficiency by automating a series of processes from production to production.
도입 By introducing the RFID system in the warehouse, it is possible to automate the input and output and inventory management to increase the productivity and accuracy, and minimize the input manpower.
– By installing an RFID gate on the conveyor, simply check the quantity of boxes passing through the gate and the type of goods to save time and money during warehousing and delivery.