◾ Solutions
◾ Solutions
B BIN conveying system using conveyor of semiconductor factory etc.
전달 Transfer the goods to the desired route on the conveyor
◾ Using long-distance RFID technology, accurate identification of target tags without false tag recognition
RFID RFID tags attached to articles moving on the conveyor can be read without interference within 1m range
◾ Intuitive tag recognition function allows you to select and read only desired tags
◾ High-performance products with excellent tag recognition distance and speed
◾ High Performance Anti-Collusion Performance
작 Small size and easy to install with mono-static antenna
◾ Firmware upgrades make it easy to implement versions with added protocol and performance improvements
◾ Global Semiconductor Company Conveyor Application Solution
◾ RFID apparel outfitting and inventory management solution
다수 RFID manufacturing process automation solution etc.